Consulate Legalization & Passport Services

Must have all documents to avoid rejection. Lex Speed suggests you contact your local embassy or consulate in order to know what type of document/s are needed in order to avoid delay in processing. Lex Speed is proud to say we have great and knowledgeable Staff Members that can help you along this process. **Processing Fee not Included.

Consulate Service's

$ 55.00

Manhattan & Queens only Drop off & Pickup included. Pickup dates vary depending on consulate procedures.

County & State + Consulate Service

$ 110.00

All five Boroughs Counties included. Legalization of documents in the consulate of choice included. Pickup Dates vary depending on consulate procedures. Consulate fee not included.

Mobile Notary + County & State + Consulate Service

$ 185.00

Must have a notary appointment. All five Boroughs are included. Legalization of documents in the consulate of choice included. Pickup dates vary depending on consulate procedures. Consulate fee not included.


What is Legalization? Legalization is the process of documents to be used in foreign countries that are not a part of the Apostille Hague Convention. These countries have their own embssies and consulates within the state that personally authenticate your documents to be used in their country. One small error in your document or application can be rejected by the embassy which can disrupt your deadline and may cause you to start from step one. We at Lex Speed travel to foreign embassies and consulates for you in order to properly legalize your document. This is a complicated process that you should not put on your own shoulders at a chance for everything to be rejected! We take care of all the necessary steps and work to make the process fast and easy for you.

All Legailzations for every country is subjected to $100 per document/passport.

Processing fees are included within the total amount. Legalization fees vary from $15 to $75 depending on the type of document as well country


What are document translations?

Document translations are translated documents from a foreign language to English. In order to notarize, authenticate, and legalize a document that is written in a foregin language, we must translate it to Englilsh in order for it to be recognized as a legal document by the state as well as the country. We offer transltions for multiple languages which include but not limited to:

- French

- Spanish

- Hebrew

- Urdu

- Italian and more